Senate Republican leaders launched a volley of criticism at Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) after the Tea Party senator called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) a liar on the Senate floor, reported Crooks and Liars.

Cruz accused Senate Republican leaders of working together with Senate Democrats on funding the Affordable Care Act and Planned Parenthood. He also fired shots at fellow Senate Republicans for letting the Obama administration reach its nuke deal with Iran. “They operate as a team, expanding Washington and undermining the liberty of the people,” said Cruz.

“What we just saw today was an absolute demonstration that not only what he [Mitch McConnell] told every Republican senator, but what he told the press over and over and over again, was simply a lie,” said Cruz last week about a deal regarding highway legislation pushed by McConnell. “We know now that when the majority leader looks us in the eyes and makes an explicit commitment, that he is willing to say things that he knows are false.”

Establishment Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) delivered a backhanded criticism of Cruz that didn’t mention his name, but still singled out the Texas senator. “We treat each other with honor, even when we feel another has perhaps not accorded us the same esteem,” said Hatch. “Squabbling and sanctimony may be tolerated on the campaign trail but not here [in the Senate].”

For years, Cruz and other extreme Republicans have decried the GOP Establishment, resulting in a widening rift between the two sects. Cruz believes this strengthens the party when it only weakens it. The GOP’s total disintegration is close at hand, and its childish internal bickering will be its undoing.