A new study confirmed what thousands of testimonials have illustrated for months, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a huge success, reported CNBC. With the ACA’s success, the GOP is running out of attacks against the healthcare law.

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating that healthcare is vastly more accessible for low-income Americans under the ACA. With a sample size of 500,000 Americans ages 18 – 64, the percentage of Americans lacking health coverage decreased by 7.9 percent. There was a 3.5 percent decrease in the number of Americans who lacked a primary care physician.

Minorities enjoyed the largest decrease in uninsured rates. There was an 11.9% decrease of uninsured Latinos, as well as a 10.8% decrease of uninsured non-Latino blacks. According to the study, the results “suggest that the ACA may be associated with reductions in long-term disparities in access to care, one of the goals of the ACA.” In total, 10.2 million Americans have received private insurance on the ACA exchange, and “12.2 million extra people have been covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health Program.”

It seems that the ACA has been a huge success. However, Republicans throw around baseless arguments and say that the ACA is a “disaster” and “one step closer to Socialism.” That’s all just GOP bombast. The ACA is working.