A Kentucky-based Catholic community is the latest group to join Pope Francis’ mission to address climate change, reported the Huffington Post. The pontiff has remained aggressive in his environmental campaign and has gotten great results.

The Sisters of Loretto voted unanimously this month to completely divest from fossil fuels, citing the pope’s climate change encyclical, Laudato Si. The sisters’ effort was led by Sister Maureen Fiedler and was conceived late last year, she said. “This resolution has been in process since late 2014, but the new encyclical by Pope Francis, ‘Laudato Si,’ on Care for Our Common Home — gave us a boost,” said Fiedler.

The Sisters of Loretto join other religious groups that have divested from fossil fuels as of late: The Episcopal Church, The Presbyterian Church USA, and The United Church of Christ. The HuffPo noted that despite environmental advocates’ praise of Pope Francis’ efforts, some Catholic groups were slow to assimilate. However, with communities across 16 American states and 5 countries, the Sisters of Loretto’s action is a huge step.

“This Loretto resolution is in sync with a worldwide strategy urging groups and individuals of all kinds [to] get rid of their investments in the fossil fuel industry (coal, oil, gas),” Fiedler added.

Pope Francis has made a strong charge to lead the world against behaviors and industries that perpetuate climate change. Many are following his lead. If his message and influence remain steadfast, we may see some progress.