A chapter of the Alpha Phi sorority at the University of Alabama has removed a “recruitment” video that showcases predominantly white, blonde females bouncing around and laughing. It has been decried by commentators since the moment it appeared online.

The video showcases girls jumping around smiling, laughing, wearing short shorts, bathing suits, holding hands, etc.. At no point does the video discuss the sorority or any of its core values and/or community service.

“It’s all so racially and aesthetically homogeneous and forced, so hyper-feminine, so reductive and objectifying, so Stepford Wives: College Edition,” A.L. Bailey on AL.com. “It’s all so … unempowering.”

The video seems like exactly the sort of trite ploy the likes of Donald Trump would make to pander to an audience. Bailey wrote that the video appeared to be more targeted to “hormonal college-aged guys” or “older, male YouTube creepers” than girls interested in the sorority.

MyFoxAL.com – FOX6 WBRC Birmingham, AL

The sorority has since removed the video and the university has issued a statement.

“This video is not reflective of UA’s expectations for student organizations to be responsible digital citizens,” said Deborah Lane, associate vice president for university relations. “It is important for student organizations to remember what is posted on social media makes a difference, today and tomorrow, on how they are viewed and perceived.”