According to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), President Obama has “a great likelihood of success” regarding the Iran nuclear deal, reported the Huffington Post

The chambers of Congress, both of which are Republican-controlled, will likely still vote against the Iran nuclear accord. However, Obama has vowed to veto a Congressional resolution of disapproval. The real difficulty lies in Congress’s ability to rally enough votes to override President Obama’s veto of the resolution.

“[The President] can win by getting one-third plus one of either house,” said McConnell. “So he’s still got a great likelihood of success.”

So far, 20 senators and 48 house of representatives have announced they support the agreement. Obama needs 34 senators or 146 house of representatives to sustain a veto. McConnell admitted that Obama has the advantage in regards to getting the Iran nuclear deal approved. On the other hand, the next president to take office can still review the accord. This creates yet another reason for the White House to not be won by Republicans in 2016.

“The campaign of the president to get it approved will be entirely among Democrats, probably Democrats in very safe Democratic seats whose only fear of re-election would probably be getting a primary,” said McConnell. “I hope we can defeat it, but the procedure is obviously stacked in the president’s favor.”

Let’s hope the deal passes, and that another Democrat gets elected President next year.