In the 1930s, Hitler’s Sturmabteilung (“Brownshirts”) justified a system of objectifying and humiliating media critical of the regime. Donald Trump and his goons have studied this history, as ROF specifically reported two days ago in our story about Trump keeping Hitler’s speeches next to his bed.

Last night Trump proved his knowledge of Hitler’s tactics are more significant than we might have thought when he had Univision journalist Jorge Ramos removed from his media event because Ramos didn’t comply with Trump’s demands.

For those who might not know him, Jorge Ramos is one of the leading news anchors of the largest Spanish-language network in the world. Author of several books, Ramos has received eight Emmy Awards for excellence in journalism, and was recently selected by Time Magazine as one of “The World’s Most Influential People.”  He also holds dual citizenship in the US and Mexico.

Ramos is understandably concerned about Trump’s plans to deport 11 million US residents. However, when he attempted to get in the first question at Tuesday’s news conference in Iowa, Trump told him to “Go back to Univision,” after which he had his private security escort the journalist out of the room.

Later, Ramos was permitted to re-enter the conference. His first question was about how Trump proposed to deport all those people. Trump was typically vague in his answer: after declaring that gang members and other criminal elements are “going to be out so fast, your head will spin,” he explained that “We’ll have a wall, and the wall’s going to have a big, beautiful door where people can come in legally.”

When Ramos again asked for specific details, all “The Donald” would say is: “I’m a great manager, I know how to manage things…I’ve given you specifics – great management, and they’ll hopefully come back very soon” –  in order to clean his hotel rooms and pick his vegetables, one suspects. And, considering Trump has run at minimum four companies into the ground over the course of his career, one has to wonder about his great “management skills.”

There is another aspect to Trump’s confrontation with Ramos. As readers may know, Trump has an ownership stake in the Miss USA Pageant. This past June, Univision ended its contract to broadcast the program because of Trump’s racist comments about Mexican immigrants. Trump responded by filing a $500 million lawsuit against the network, on the grounds that Univision is “stifling” his freedom of speech. He has already banned Univision employees from using his Miami golf course, right next door to Univision’s studios. Trump also published a photo of a letter from Ramos, which displayed the journalist’s personal, private cell number.

Given the power of the Spanish language media and the importance of the Latino vote, it will not end well for “The Donald” or his candidacy, as it shouldn’t. Trump is proving to be identical the most offensive fascist leaders in history.

To read our previous story about Trump’s fascination with Hitler, click Trump Kept Hitler’s Speeches by his Bed: Says Only Short Jews Can Count His Money, Not Blacks.

Watch Video Trump Having Ramos Ejected:

K.J. McElrath is a former history and social studies teacher who has long maintained a keen interest in legal and social issues. In addition to writing for The Ring of Fire, he is the author of two published novels: Tamanous Cooley, a darkly comic environmental twist on Dante's Inferno, and The Missionary's Wife, a story of the conflict between human nature and fundamentalist religious dogma. When not engaged in journalistic or literary pursuits, K.J. works as an entertainer and film composer.