Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton unveiled a $10 billion plan designed to fight drug and alcohol addiction, reported CBS News. Each are problems that require progressive solutions.

Her plan involves goals for prevention, treatment and recovery, youth drug and alcohol education, increased funding for rehabilitation centers, and improved first responder training. “Tough on crime” laws and policies regarding drug addiction have been tried and they failed. We need to use a different approach.

“It’s time we recognize that there are gaps in our health care system that allow too many to go without care — and invest in treatment,” wrote Clinton in an op-ed for the New Hampshire Union Leader. “It’s time we recognize that our state and federal prisons . . . are no substitute for proper treatment and reform our criminal justice system.”

Mental health and addiction have been a major part of Clinton’s presidential platform. Her campaign staffers have reached out to experts and leaders in the health community to help Clinton create her plan. That plan also includes building a closer relationship between correctional and public health facilities.

As drug and alcohol addiction remains a problem in America, the country needs plans and programs intended to solve and treat addiction. Currently, we have a draconian system that punishes and marginalizes the disease of addiction.