Well, that’s it. We’re done for. Pat Robertson called it, folks. Gay sex is going to break the American economy. That’s right. Here you thought greedy corporate fat cats were lining their pockets on the backs of working Americans when all along the real cause was staring you right in the face: gay sex.

“There was a time that homosexuality was considered an aberration,” said Pat Robertson. “It was illegal, as a matter of fact, and the thought of two homosexuals marrying one another was just undreamed of, we couldn’t even conceive of it.”

According to Pat, our recent legalization of homosexual marriages is an affront to God and now we’re going to see to punishment for that offense.

“Our finances right now are hanging by a thread,” Robertson said. “The rupture of the entire financial framework of our world is so tenuous right now. If there was ever a time that we need to grace of God, it is now, and unless something is done to change the courts and to change the way this country is going, it is just a question of time before the fabric ruptures and we’ll all suffer because of it.”


Watch David Pakman’s take on Pat Robertson’s Crazy Talk: