Genesys Hospital in Grand Blanc Township, Michigan denied a woman a much-needed medical procedure because of religious reasons.

Jessica Mann, 33, will soon have her third child, but she’s been diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytomas, a dangerous brain tumor that can cause blindness and paralysis. Medical professionals recommended that Mann receive tubal ligation to prevent future pregnancy. Moreover, the tumor has made her current pregnancy high-risk and she will required a Caesarean section.

Mann’s local hospital, Genesys Hospital, stopped performing tubal ligations in 2014 because it claimed the procedure was “intrinsically evil.” Hospital administrators said they would allow exceptions to the religious ban when the “direct effect and immediate purpose is the cure or alleviation of a present and serious pathology, and a simpler treatment is not available.”

Although Mann’s case could reasonably be considered as such an exception, the hospital denied a doctor’s request to allow the potentially life-saving procedure. The American Civil Liberties Union has taken up her case against the hospital.

For more on this story, visit Addicting Info.

Watch David Pakman address this incident: