The rash of gun violence and mass shootings that America continues to suffer has pushed People Magazine to respond. The publication has now published the contact information of all the voting members of the House and Senate.

“We urge readers to contact their elected representatives to make their voices heard,” they wrote.


On Oct. 1, after a madman killed nine victims at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, we covered every horrible development of the story on, and we began planning our coverage of the massacre for this issue of the magazine. It’s so heartbreaking and infuriating to think how many times over the years we’ve done exactly this–reaching out to victim’s vamilies and survivors of mass shootings, gathering details about the fallen.


But this much we know: As a country we clearly aren’t doing enough, and our elected officials’ conversations about solutions usually end in political spin.


We need to know that our representatives in Washington, D.C., are looking for solutions and not giving up, and they need to know if we agree or disagree with their strategies. Below, we’re provided phone numbers, email addresses (provided by the Sunlight Foundation’s OpenCongress project) and Twitter handles (when available) for all 535 voting members of the House and Senate. Let’s make sure they know that from now on, “routine” responses just won’t cut it.

For more on this, including the list of Congressional contact information, read the article from People titled: “PEOPLE’s Call to Action on Gun Violence: Here’s How to Contact All 535 Members of Congress.