Despite all of the headlines and media attention that Donald Trump can generate, he can’t seem to generate much goodwill with Americans. In fact, it appears that polls are finding that more Americans like Bernie Sanders than like Donald Trump.

As the Washington Post explains:

If you extrapolate Census turnout estimates into 2016, we can figure that some 137 million will turn out to vote next year. That’s maybe a bit high, but it doesn’t really matter. It gives us a figure to work with.

In September, Gallup did its regular assessment of how Americans identify politically. The number who said they were Democrats or Republicans was the same, 27 percent. …

Those partinsanship figures change a lot, but let’s use them as-is. If we apply those percentages to the 137 million that vote, assuming (unfairly) that partisans vote at even rates, we get about 37 million people in each party, about 25 million Republican-leaning independents and about 23 million Democratic-leaning ones.

If we then apply polling averages to those numbers, we get a look at how many people (generally) support each candidate. Note that the ratios below don’t change even if the numbers of voters change; it’s a percent of a percent. But the upshot is this: More Americans support Sanders than Trump.

For more on this, read the article from the Washington Post titled: “More Americans Support Bernie Sanders than Donald Trump.