Jeb Bush refuses to face reality and continues to claim that his brother’s response to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks was “awe-inspiring.”

“The case study of leadership is how George responded to 9/11 period, over and out,” said Jeb in Houston. “And the idea that a candidate could think that they could make political hay to create a new … narrative on the reality on how he led is a joke.”

“People were united. And people really got it that he had a heart for them,” said Bush. “At that time, as you know, kids were crying. All around people, children and grandchildren didn’t know what was going on.”

“The whole world was turned upside down, and you had a president who was staid and sure and strong,” he said.

For more on this, read the article from Talking Points Memo titled: “Jeb Bush: My Brother’s 9/11 Response Was ‘Awe-Inspiring.’