Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus announced that the RNC will boycott the NBC network by suspending its deal with the network to host a GOP presidential debate in February.

Priebus and the Republican candidates were unhappy with CNBC after Wednesday night’s debate because they all felt that the moderators were “disrespectful” and asked nothing but “gotcha” questions. In his frustration, the RNC Chair called the debate a “crap sandwich.”

“The CNBC network is one of your media properties, and its handling of the debate was conducted in bad faith,” Preibus wrote to NBC chair Andy Lack. “We understand that NBC does not exercise full editorial control over CNBC’s journalistic approach. However, the network is an arm of your organization, and we need to ensure there is not a repeat performance.”

This is strange because the NBC network has recently moved to a more conservative tone. It’s a network that should want to host the odd gaggle of GOP candidates. The Republican hissy-fit proceeding the Wednesday night debate is nothing but pathetic whining.

For more on this story, visit Salon “RNC goes nuclear, boycotts NBC to feign outrage over CNBC trainwreck”