Many Diabetes Drugs Under FDA Review, Linked to Cancer

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is reviewing new, unpublished reports made by academic researchers that indicate patients taking certain drugs to treat Type-2 diabetes possess an increased risk of acute pancreatitis resulting in pancreatic cancer, according to an FDA press release, released on March 13. …Read more.

Progressives Boycott Facebook in Retaliation to Zuckerburg’s Political Agenda

Over the next few weeks, Progressive ads will be scarce on Facebook. Outraged Progressive coalitions have “unfriended” Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg in protest to his recent support of the expansion of the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline and drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. On Tuesday, many Progressive groups announced that they would either retract existing paid Facebook ads or abstain from purchasing new ads for at least two weeks to express their disapproval of Zuckerburg’s new political Facebook group, named … Read more.

The First Functional 3D Printed Gun is Ready for Download

For better or worse, 3D-printing of firearms is coming. Whether or not the public is sufficiently educated to cope with the technology’s advent, it is here and it will change things. And the technology is a good thing. Its ubiquity will present the public with many opportunities and challenges, not the least of which is the threat of untraceable, easily-produced firearms. .. Read more.

Update: The U.S. Government has, since the publication of this story, claimed control of DEFCAD’s file.

Papantonio: Are You Smarter Than a Republican?

Limbaugh Exploits Cleveland Kidnappings to Promote His Favorite Show

Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight’s stories serve as an unfortunate launchpad for far-right drivel that the kidnappings could have been inspired by a T.V. show. Rush Limbaugh, the poet laureate of rambling, right-wing idiocy, suspects that the kidnapping of the three Cleveland women drew interesting allusions to an episode of Hawaii Five-0 particularly concerning the tax and welfare benefits that are “available” to kidnappers. …Read more.