Arguably the only person having a worse year than Donald Trump is his part-time lapdog Chris Christie.

The Governor’s already depressing favorability rating in the state has continued to sink in the wake of the revitalizing of the bridgegate scandal. This month, a state survey found that only 21 percent of the state’s residents viewed Christie in a favorable way, down from 26 percent in July. 

The humiliating destruction of the New Jersey Governor truly began in 2012 when he knowingly allowed the closure of the George Washington Bridge in New Jersey for a petty political disagreement. At the time, his career survived because he was able to deny his knowledge and involvement in the scandal.

Then, Christie announced his bid for the presidency, joining dozens of other Republican hopefuls for a hectic and career-damaging primary.

Once the primary was over for Christie, he became Trump’s most enthusiastic former rival, stumping for the man and appearing by his side in several press conferences and campaign events. Trump joked about his weight and reportedly made him pick up McDonalds for the candidate, all while dangling the Vice Presidency before him.

When Trump chose Mike Pence as his V.P., Christie faded into the background, lowering his voice of support for Donald. Since then, his state has made it clear how much they don’t approve of their Governor rubbing shoulders with a demagogue, and the polling numbers have showed it.

At this point, the Governor might as well pack it up and make plans to have a long retirement, because his political career is more than dead – it’s buried.


Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at