Apparently white nationalist and racists running for government go the way of dominoes – once one goes, the rest soon follow.

After Donald Trump announced his presidential bid, we’d thought we’d seen it all. Then, former KKK leader David Duke announced his intention to run as Louisiana’s Senator and we thought, “surely that must be the worst it can get.” But once again, we were wrong.

Now, the same white nationalist who was caught on tape declaring “hail Trump,” during an “alt-right” event has said that he is considering a congressional run.

Richard Spencer says that the idea came from many people who reached out and encouraged him to run for office. Though he has not yet made up his mind, he says he is seriously considering the idea.

“A lot of people were calling me and saying, ‘Oh, you should do it, just do it, this is the moment.’ I’m obviously flattered. I’m taking it very seriously. It’s an exciting prospect.”

If Spencer were to run, we would not have to wait long to see him either denied or instated into office as a congressional seat in his district is expected to become vacant in short order.

Montana congressman Ryan Zinke is likely to be confirmed as Secretary of the Interior in January, and if he does, someone will need to fill his seat. To replace him, a special election would likely be held in 2017.

At this point, we cannot know if Spencer is serious about his consideration for the spot. Spencer has never held public office, and his only political experience is leading and being a part of self-declared white nationalist organizations.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at