Going off the belief that past behavior is indicative of future behavior, anti-Trump journalist Keith Olbermann seems fairly confident that President-elect Trump will likely cancel his scheduled press conference that is meant to occur on Wednesday.

In his daily online show called “The Resistance,” Olbermann said “I’ll believe it when I see it,” in response to assertions by Trump that he would be holding a rare press conference on Wednesday.

Having already canceled other recently-scheduled press conferences in past weeks, Olbermann is right to be skeptical of the President-elect.

In fact, though Trump liked to criticize Clinton for skipping press questions during the election, Trump himself has not held a formal press conference since he won the election in November, an unusual move by an unusual (to say the very least) President-to-be.

And as Olbermann points out, Trump has been avoiding the on-the-spot meetings with the press for a reason: they force him to say things he doesn’t like to say.

That is, when Trump is under the blazing lights and facing a dozen media cameras, he is not as able to lie and mislead as he is from his comfortable seat on his Trump plane, tweeting away on his favorite social media site. When asked direct questions, Trump is forced to answer – even if it means he has to lie (which he does a lot).

In fact, the last time Trump held a press conference, he flubbed the event so badly that he called on Russia to hack the U.S.’s internet so that they could bring to him the thousands of emails he claimed Hillary Clinton had deleted from her private server. Considering where we are now with the whole Russia hacking narrative, that comment would possibly fare even worse now than it did then (and then, it didn’t fare well at all).

Even since Olbermann made this prediction on Tuesday afternoon, new information has been revealed which alleges that Russian operatives had quite an extensive file on Trump himself, including his deviant sexual behavior with prostitutes.

Though none of the evidence has been substantiated, the intelligence community briefed both the POTUS and the PEOTUS on it last week. Now that the media is swarming all over the story, it will be a miracle to see Trump before reporters today.



Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at srobinson@ringoffireradio.com