Following reports of an Israeli soldier executing a 74-year-old woman, multiple blogs and forums have denied the authenticity of the claim that Ghaliaa Abu-Rida was in fact killed. Currently, the status of Abu-Rida’s death remains unconfirmed.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry list, which is being updated by Aljazeera, Abu-Rida is not listed among the dead. However, other publications have listed Abu Rida as dead numerous times.

On August 3, 2014, Ghalia Abu Rida was reported dead:

“Evening paramedics and civil defence forces recovered 10 bodies, including Ghalia Abu Rida and nine resistance fighters from the rubble of destroyed houses in Khuza’a and Absan al-Kabira. They were killed following the shelling of the area.

And again, reported as deceased here:

“In the morning, medical crews recovered bodies of a woman and 9 members of Palestinian armed groups from the debris of destroyed homes in Khuza’a and ‘Abassan villages. The woman was identified as Ghalia al-‘Abed Abu Raida.

Unfortunately, a definitive answer on the fate of Ghalia seems to be unknown at this time. However, the report from Middle East Monitoralong with the contradictory reports in the media, fails to debunk the claim that what the photos show is a deceased woman who has been executed by Israeli forces.