Animal rights activists group PETA has accused SeaWorld San Diego of infiltrating their organization with employees of the controversial business.

Paul McComb, a human resources employee with SeaWorld, was suspended by the theme park, reportedly because of his activities within the animal rights organization.

PETA claims that SeaWorld is scapegoating McComb. They claim that he is just one of several SeaWorld employees that have been inserted into the organization to incite the group to violence and attempt to make them look bad.

“Suspending your own agents is an old trick, which usually comes with a backroom deal of compensation and a promise to bring them back when things die down, which is unlikely to be the case with this beleaguered business,” said Ingrid E. Newkirk, PETA’s President. “Furthermore, we do not believe that SeaWorld has limited its espionage efforts to McComb’s activities. It has hired protesters to attend SeaWorld rallies, and PETA is currently looking into two more men we believe were SeaWorld agents hired to infiltrate PETA as ‘volunteers,’ and the list may grow.”

PETA intends to release images of the other members they believe are SeaWorld employees.