Monday Night, Tony Abbott was ousted as the head of the Australian Liberal Party. Rupert Murdorch was furious about Abbott, a man many Australians compare to America’s George W. Bush, being replaced.

“Sad to see such a decent man as Abbott toppled,” Murdoch wrote in a tweet. “Now Turnbull needs a November election before Labor sacks Shorten.”

Critics of Abbott have been tracking the promises he made and broke, and the hardships he has been responsible for in Australia. The list has climbed to 478 entries as of yesterday. Abbott held the second shortest term as Prime Minister in Australia’s history.

Abbott’s replacement, Malcolm Turnbull, is seen as a more center-right politician than Abbott and hopes are that Turnbull will make the government a more collaborative institution in Australia. That’s the very thing that the modern GOP in America just can’t understand. People are tired of obstinate politics that only benefits the wealthy elites.

For more on this, read the article at Crooks & Liars titled: “Rupert Murdoch’s Crony, Tony Abbott Ousted as Australian P.M.