The below Facebook post does a very good job of showing what it would be like if we had gun laws even close to abortion laws.

 Facebook post

I’m not the author of this quote, it’s just something I came across and shared. I wish I could take credit, it’s kind of…

Posted by Brian Murtagh on Friday, October 2, 2015

In 2013, author William Hamby wrote something similar in an article titled: What if gun laws were like abortion laws?

What if gun rights were regulated like abortion rights? Here’s a list of just some of the hoops you’d have to jump through before you could own a gun:

Only one store in the entire state would sell guns. (See: Mississippi, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming for states with only one abortion provider.)

You’d have to fill out an enormous personal background check including intrusive personal information that has nothing to do with your ability to own or use a gun. Then you’d have to wait at least 72 hours and come back to the store. (Remember, it’s the only one in the state. You better hope you don’t live on the other side of Wyoming.)

Upon your return, you’d have to sit through intensive mandatory counseling. Your counselor, regardless of his personal beliefs, would have to tell you that gun ownership is actually a bad idea, and that it would negatively effect your mental health to own a gun. (This, despite there being no scientific evidence to support the claim.)

Next, you’d sit through a gruesome movie showing the actual aftermath of domestic gun crimes. You’d see people with half a head. You’d see dead children in their beds. You’d see the bloody aftermath of a school shooting. You’d be shown statistic after statistic warning you that you’d be contributing to this morally degenerate sanctioning of murder.

If you lived in Virginia, you’d have to come back (again) for an invasive and uncomfortable MRI (which costs around $300 out of your pocket) to ensure your honesty in answering all the background check information and your intentions to use your gun responsibly. (This was as close as I could get to the invasive transvaginal procedure included in the recently passed Virginia bill.)

Oh… and if you were married, your spouse might have to sign off on your gun ownership.

Once you jumped through all these hoops, you could buy a gun. In a week, if you wanted another gun, you’d have to start over at Step 1. No exceptions.