It seems that corporate media has been working closely with the Democratic establishment quite a bit lately to create a narrative which paints Wikileaks and the important work they do as a violation of freedom and a general negative organization.

While there are often a few casualties involved in the type of work they do and have done, Wikileaks has played an irreplaceable role in U.S. society and politics in recent years, teaching the American populace more than they could have ever hoped to learn on their own about the role the government secretly plays in all our lives.

The important work they have done isn’t enough to ward off criticism from the media, though, and as the Associated Press reported on Tuesday, Wikileaks has apparently exposed innocent people alongside the corruption they publish.

According to A.P., many citizens in Saudi Arabia discovered that their personal information was published by Wikileaks in leaked governmental records and medical records. People found that their divorces, their debts, and their medical care were laid bare to the public.

These are serious allegations against the organization, and it is their duty to answer to these crimes.

Despite these allegations, we must all be vigilant and wary of any and all criticism of Wikileaks now that they have so aggressively targeted the Democratic establishment.

It is in their full interest to make the American people believe that those behind Wikileaks should be muzzled, but it appears that we still have a great deal to learn from Assange and his crew.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at