In an attempt to regain control of the narrative from his junior, Blaze founder Glenn Beck announced on Monday that he was counter-suing employee Tomi Lahren after she sued him and the network for wrongful termination.

Lahren was permanently suspended from the network she dominated after she made an appearance on “The View” in which she espoused pro-choice beliefs and called Conservatives who valued small government but championed pro-life values “hypocrites.”

Considering Lahren’s entire career is built on telling angry conservatives what they want to hear while looking perfectly manicured, Lahren’s surprisingly liberal view was not received well. In response, Lahren was publicly derided by many prominent conservatives, including her own boss Beck, who tweeted criticisms of his employee.

Shortly after, Lahren was reportedly placed on temporary suspension which was shortly extended to be permanent. Then, Lahren sued Beck and the Blaze for wrongful termination, arguing that she was terminated not for her comments on “The View,” but for the reception it received afterward.

In her lawsuit, Lahren alleges that she was praised by a Blaze producer for her “View” performance initially, but days later after much controversy, Blaze HR told a different story. The suit also outlined the concentrated smear campaign perpetrated against Lahren in the aftermath of the “View” appearance, noting that her boss Glenn Beck was maybe the worst aggressor.

In response, Beck is now countersuing his former star, including a long list of reasons that Lahren was a horrible employee.

From LawNewz:

“The lawsuit states that Lahren’s treatment of the floor crew was “inappropriate and unprofessional” and that she constantly complained about lighting, room temperature, editing, shooting and directing. The complaint also alleges that her “word choice on air” had to be addressed on a consistent basis because she border lined on profane.”

In this case, most of America can’t really be bothered to care about one side or another in this legal battle. Lahren is grappling with a loss of power, while Beck is grappling with a loss of respect – neither deserve either.

Sydney Robinson is a political writer for the Ring of Fire Network. She has also appeared in political news videos for Ring of Fire. Sydney has a degree in English Literature from the University of West Florida, and has an active interest in politics, social justice, and environmental issues. She would love to hear from you on Twitter @SydneyMkay or via email at